May 8 tackles the tough issues facing cities, suburbs and regions. Our expertise helps private and public sector leaders define key challenges and create and implement detailed action plans to build a better future.

May 8 does not specialize in just one discipline but covers a wide range of social impact areas. This allows us to look to new places for answers and approaches. We hatch ideas, develop and implement them. We look for critical intervention points – moments when you can insert new steps or approaches into an existing process to create a stronger social impact. Here are some concrete examples that lead to innovative positive change:

Government Innovation

Performing government functions more efficiently and equitably

Featured Projects

From Blight To Bright
If We Fix It, They Will Come


Preserving, constructing and improving the health of housing

Featured Projects

Healthy Rowhouse Project
Going Mod

Inclusive Economic Development

Creating jobs and investment with evidence-based policies and programs

Featured Projects

Cortex Innovation District
Stronger Together

Neighborhood Revitalization

Guiding efforts to stabilize and improve neighborhoods for existing residents

Featured Projects

Creating a Culture of Maintenance
Cincinnati’s Over the Rhine




Improving resilience with green practices

Featured Projects

Next Great City 2015
Healthy Food Access

Vacant & Deteriorated Properties

Reactivating problem properties with legal and policy tools

Featured Projects

ABA Vacant and Problem Props
Presentation: Strategic Code Enforcement