News Archive

Tennessee Preemption Law Reversed

May 8 has had the extraordinary opportunity to work with the City of Chattanooga’s Chief Housing Officer Nicole Heyman since 2022 to create the city’s first comprehensive policy, program and funding framework to address its affordable housing challenges.  Chattanooga is making extraordinary progress understanding and responding to its sizable housing deficit.  Yet Tennessee state law … Continue reading Tennessee Preemption Law Reversed

Evaluating the Impact of Critical Home Repairs on the Wealth and Financial Well-Being of Low-Income Black Homeowners in Richmond Virginia:  A Mixed Methods Study

This study seeks to determine the causal effect that critical home repairs have on the preservation of Black wealth in neighborhoods vulnerable to displacement.  May 8 is working with the Partnership for Housing Affordability in Richmond Virginia with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.  Utilizing data obtained from surveys conducted among low-income Black households … Continue reading Evaluating the Impact of Critical Home Repairs on the Wealth and Financial Well-Being of Low-Income Black Homeowners in Richmond Virginia:  A Mixed Methods Study

Equitable Development Platform Released

May 8 is proud to partner with PACDC on a new Equitable Development Policy Platform that is founded on the truth that we all deserve a city in which affordable housing, work that pays a living wage, and safe neighborhoods are attainable for every resident.

Philadelphia Rental Code Enforcement Report

Take a deep dive into Philadelphia’s system for ensuring rental housing is in “good repair, structurally sound and in sanitary condition” and compare it to nine peer cities.

The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review

If you are seeking tools to stabilize neighborhoods after the COVID economic downturn, we recommend you take a look at this literature review May 8 Consulting just released.  May 8 brings together critical research by scholars and practitioners defining how tools like demolition, code enforcement, land banks and First Look programs may impact different neighborhood … Continue reading The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review

Watch Center for Community Progress webinar on prioritizing home repair

Prioritizing Repair Support for Financially Struggling Property Owners April 22, 2021 12:00 – 1:00pm ET | Watch Now Property maintenance was already a challenge for many low-income homeowners prior to today’s heightened unemployment crisis and rising construction costs. These circumstances amplify the need for communities to create, enhance, and expand necessary programming to assist vulnerable property … Continue reading Watch Center for Community Progress webinar on prioritizing home repair

What Works

At May 8 we are big fans of the What Works series of books that come out of Case Western Reserve University and share practical evidence-based guidance on community development practices that work. See our chapter on creating equitable mixed-income neighborhoods that is about to be published in their latest volume.

Anchor-Led Innovation City Case (Winter 2021)

Take a moment to read this in depth City Case co-authored by Karen Black and Bruce Katz exploring how the Cortex Innovation District evolved from a blighted 200 acre former St. Louis industrial site in 2002 to a 6,000 employee economic hub generating $2.1 billion in economic output by 2018.