Karen Black

Rental Code Enforcement in Philadelphia

To determine how Philadelphia’s current system is addressing the quality of rental housing, particularly in low-income neighborhoods, this report provides an in-depth examination of the rental regulation system in the city—and the corresponding systems in other major cities. The research found that Philadelphia’s regulatory approach is less comprehensive than those in some other places. For … Continue reading Rental Code Enforcement in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Rental Code Enforcement Report

Take a deep dive into Philadelphia’s system for ensuring rental housing is in “good repair, structurally sound and in sanitary condition” and compare it to nine peer cities.

Evidence-Based Policy Making: An Analysis of Six Strategies to Stabilize Neighborhoods

In order to provide practitioners with evidence-based guidance in real time as they define a local response to the COVID economic crisis, May 8 and Reinvestment Fund analyzed the ability of six standard policy intervention tools to stabilize low-income and middle neighborhoods wrestling with the negative impacts of an economic shock. The policy interventions selected … Continue reading Evidence-Based Policy Making: An Analysis of Six Strategies to Stabilize Neighborhoods

The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review

If you are seeking tools to stabilize neighborhoods after the COVID economic downturn, we recommend you take a look at this literature review May 8 Consulting just released.  May 8 brings together critical research by scholars and practitioners defining how tools like demolition, code enforcement, land banks and First Look programs may impact different neighborhood … Continue reading The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review

The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review

Faced with the destabilizing impact of a global economic crisis (such as the recent Covid-19 economic shutdown), local governments and their partners often turn to a standard set of policy interventions to stabilize low- income and middle neighborhoods. While governments and philanthropy spend billions of dollars each year on tools such as code enforcement, vacant … Continue reading The Power to Stabilize Neighborhoods: Research on the Impact of Policy Interventions on Low-Income and Middle Neighborhoods After a Macroeconomic Shock: A Post-2008 Literature Review